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Barwell Infant School

Children First!


"Leaders have designed a curriculum that is ambitious for all pupils. The Curriculum sets out the key knowledge that leaders want pupils to acquire and the small steps of learning that pupils need to make.  Leaders have thought carefully about the order in which knowledge is taught." Ofsted, July 2023.

Our Curriculum Statement September 2024-September 2025

At Barwell Infant School we understand how important the first few years of a child’s life are.  We believe in the concept of lifelong learning and that adults and children learn new things every day committing knowledge and understanding to long term ‘sticky’ memory.  We have a particular focus on language and communication skills as children complete their learning journey with us.  We believe that learning should be fun for everyone.   Our focus on curriculum development is always carefully designed to ensure coverage and progression and provide pupils with memorable experiences, giving them opportunity to dream big, have high aspirations for themselves and others and ultimately to reach for the stars.

If you would like more information about the curriculum we follow please contact the school office.

We are deeply inclusive and all children learn together within the classroom areas. We are complying in our duties in The Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.  For further information please contact Miss Holly Purnell, SENDCo.