Snacks and Drinks
We take part in the government's free fruit initiative, and all of our children are offered a piece of fruit each day. The fruit is delivered fresh to the school and may include apples, pears, bananas, satsumsa, raisins, strawberries, tomatoes or carrot sticks.
If your child has a food allergy it is important to let the school know. This information will be passed onto class teachers as, from time to time, the children may take part in food tasting as part of their work in class.
School milk is provided by 'Cool Milk', and parents can reigster online using the link below (please register by a Tuesday, to start receiving milk the following week). Milk is free for all children under five (until the Friday before the child's fifth birthday), and is subsidised for children aged five and over. Please note that children who receive free school meals are NOT entitled to free milk.
All children are encouraged to bring water bottles into school (with a sports cap, not a twist off lid). These are kept in the classrooms and the children are encouraged to take regular drinks throughout the day.