SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)
"Teachers understand the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) well. The underlying principle for provision for pupils with SEND is based on 'what works for the child.' Teachers adapt their lessons in the right ways so that pupils with SEND can work alongside their peers from the same curriculum. Some pupils with SEND also receive positive pastoral support. This strong offer provides pupils with bespoke support so that they can access wider opportunities in school." Ofsted, 2023.
Our School SENDCo is Holly Purnell. Miss Purnell works in school every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Please contact the school office or send her a message on Class Dojo.
All children are different - this is a fact that we embrace at Barwell Infant School.
We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school, catering for the needs of all our pupils and we encourage every child to 'be the best that we can be!'
As with all schools, some of our children will be assessed as having Special Educational Needs (SEND). This term covers a wide range of circumstances; including physical or sensory difficulties, specific or general learning difficulties and emotional or behavioural difficulties.
Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) is Miss Purnell. If you have a concern about your child, the first thing to do is speak to your child's teacher who will then raise your concern with Miss Purnell.
You can download a copy of our Special Educational Needs Policy using the link below:
The Leicestershire 'Local Offer'
Across the country, councils are reforming how special needs assessments are carried out and how support is designed; following the introduction of the Children and Families Act 2014.
The move is designed to ensure that children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their families are fully involved in decisions about their support and what they want to achieve.
How we support children
Curriculum Support
*Adaptation of learning in class by the class teacher through quality first teaching.
*Support from external services e.g. the Educational Psychologist service.
Communication and Interaction Difficulties
*Speech and language therapy support (SALT)
Social skills groups
*Involvement with Autism Outreach
*Hearing Impaired Service
*Visually Impaired Service
Behaviour and Emotional Support
*Liaison with Supporting Leicestershire Families
*Links with CAMHS, Community Paediatricians etc...
*Meetings with the SENDCo
*ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)
*Adaption of the school building to facilitate access
*Health and Care Plans
*Physiotherapist or Occupational therapy advice and support
*Risk assessments
Useful Documents
Useful Websites