New Joiners
Welcome to Brilliant Barwell Infant School!
Please see our EYFS Transition Booklet for all the information you will need about your child starting school at Barwell Infants.
Help your child to be school ready by supporting with these things:
Rest assured that we will seek to support you every step of the way as your child takes their first steps towards starting at our school. We can't wait to meet you!
We hope you can join us for our transition 'Stay and Play' sessions in July.
Active Ants (Miss Owen and Mrs Ellis's Class):
Monday 1st July 9.30am – 10.15am
Busy Bees (Mrs Courtney’s Class):
Monday 1st July 10.30am – 11.15am
We would also like to invite children and parents to a second 'Stay and Play' session the week before starting school.
Active Ants (Miss Owen and Mrs Ellis's Class):
Thursday 29th August 9.30am – 10.30am
Busy Bees (Mrs Courtney’s Class):
Thursday 29th August 11am – 12pm
All children in EYFS will start school on Monday 2nd September 2024.
Children will attend for mornings only initially to support them getting used to the school environment, routines, expectations, and the new people they will be meeting:
Monday 2nd September – Friday 6th September 9.00am – 11.45am
During these afternoons, teachers will offer phone calls with parents. These phone call meetings are to support with any questions about school that parents may have, and to get to know the children and their families.
All children in EYFS will start full-time from:
Monday 9 th September. 8.30am – 3.10pm